Prenatal Care

Our job is to help. We are a source of information and support but the mother is the leader.

Free interview visit

Come in and get to know me. I look forward to meeting you! I will spend an hour answering your questions and explaining the services in order to provide you with the information you need to make your pregnancy and birth care decisions.


First visit

Your first prenatal care visit is a longer appointment with lots of talking. I cover your health history, physical activity level, nutrition, as well as review our informed consent and financial/insurance paperwork. I will also do a physical exam, choose and collect the lab work that is appropriate for you. If you have had earlier prenatal care elsewhere, I will request your records and we will review them together.


Prenatal visit

I schedule an hour for most visits, so that you have enough time to get your questions answered. Prenatal visits are scheduled each month until your 28th week of pregnancy, at which point the visits will increase to every two weeks until 36 weeks. For the last part of your pregnancy, we meet weekly. We will have one visit at around 36 weeks in your home. This will help get your home ready for labor and birth.


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